Expert Tween™

For computer or task-specific visual needs, the Tween lens will keep your up-close work in the clear.

The Tween has a wider near vision region, and a soft design that eliminates swim effect and perceived lateral distortion. The lens promotes easy adaption and supports frame customization.

Tween delivers clear vision from reading distance up to 4 meters (13 ft.) and offers three clear distance vision options (4 ft; 7 ft; 13 ft.).

Tween comes with seven available degressions (+0.75 to +2.25), and two minimum fitting heights (14 & 18mm).

Note: The Tween’s distance area performs best with a minimum of 10mm of viewing area above the fitting cross.

Material Availability:

Clear: CR-39, Trivex®, Poly, 1.60, 167

Power Range:

Total powers: +8.00 to -6.00
Cyl. to -5.00
Adds +0.75 to +3.50
Prism to 4.00D
2 Min. Fitting Heights: 14 & 18mm

*Order by the Clear Distance Vision at top of lens:
Tween 1.3 is Reading to 4 ft.
Tween 2.0 is Reading to 7 ft.
Tween 4.0 is Reading to 13 ft. | 305 Earl Rd. | Shorewood, IL 60404 | Phone: (815) 741-1414 | Fax: (815) 741-1457