Neutralizing Progressives with Prism Thinning
Before we talk about neutralizing the Rx, let’s review some of the basics of prism thinning. Prism thinning is adding prism to an Rx that results in a more cosmetic appealing pair of eyeglasses. The prism added will be the same amount and in the same direction in the pair of lenses. The amount of […]

Verifying the prescription of a computer/task specific lens style.
For computer/task specific lens styles, all designs have you verify the prescription in the reading circle/arc (or however the manufacturer identifies their NRP- Near Reference Point) for the full reading power. Checking power anywhere else will not tell you very much because they all vary on the manufacture’s degression designs. If the circle/arc location is […]

Each day you should strive to do your best.
Robert Hughbanks ABOC, HOAA- Manager of Training and Development This is a great attitude that we should all strive for in the optical business. The Expert family pursues this every day as we strive to manufacture an accurate and cosmetically appealing pair of eyeglasses. We receive Rxs daily that push cosmetics to the limit. We […]

Fix Your Blues
I will not go into the science in this article but I will go over how Expert can offer you multiple ways to fix your Blues. Being an independent lab allows us to provide you with more than one choice to block the blue light. Expert- your source for lenses with blue blocking properties: Expert- […]

Progressives: One Lens Change or Redo.
This is an area where a light bulb should go off in everyone’s head when it presents itself. We should all know that progressives have some amount of prism thinning. The problem is that sometimes we order a one lens RX change but when the lens comes back the patient is still having problems. […]

What Amount of Prism Thinning Will Be in These Lenses?
Illustration: www.opticampus.com Years ago, we took ⅔ of the ADD power to determine the amount of prism thinning we would manufacture into the lenses. For example: if we had an Add power of +2.00, then we would use 1 ⅓D of base down prism O.U. (At that time we only added prism thinning to Plus […]

Prism Thinning in Other Lens Styles?
Today, most labs will add prism thinning to progressive lenses. The reason behind prism thinning is to create a more cosmetic appealing pair of glasses for the patient. So why is prism thinning added to progressives and not any other lens styles? First we have to return to where an O.C. is placed in […]

Prism Thinning and Progressives
Unlike most other lenses. An O.C in a progressive lens is at the Prism Reference Point (PRP). The PRP is located under the fitting cross. The distance between the Fitting Cross and the PRP is determined by the lens designer. Different progressive designs have different distances. Most are 4mm but some are 0mm, 2mm, or […]

Measuring Pantoscopic Tilt with an Inclinometer app on a Smart Phone
As the lens technology advances in today’s market, more and more digital/free form lenses are requesting the Position of Wear Measurements to personalize and optimize the best Rx for the patient. I find there are still many opticians that are not embracing this new technology. The biggest reason I hear is they do not feel […]

Why are these lenses thicker than my old pair?
Robert Hughbanks ABOC, HOAA- Manager of Training and Development Sometimes we hear this from accounts wondering the same thing. Let’s look at the possibilities. -Did the lab make them thicker than they needed to be? Possible, but remember, labs always work with the thinnest part of any lens. In minus, they work with the […]